How to become rich

How to become rich?

How to become rich

How to become rich? Why are the poor so poor? What to do Can you also be very rich? If you have such type of questions then you Read the full post. In the post, I am sharing some information with you from Robot Kiyosaki books Rich dad poor dad that help you to grow your money. And you will find a perfect life.

Why are the poor so poor?
Cause of being poor:

1) Education from parents
Education from prents

What we learn from school college? 
It is not nearly useful for our practical life. So in the practical life, We do not have to learn from parents. But if they are poor then
They are unknowingly poor, they do not learn how to become rich and He teaches them how to become poor.

2) School education is not enough
School education

According to Robot Kiyosaki, the school does not teach us how to be rich. Schools just make good employees. the school does not teach us how to be rich. the school does not teach us how to be taught own company. So the education of the school is not enough.
3) Lack of financial education:
According to Robot Kiyosaki, most people are poor because their financial education is lacking. They just become better employees by learning from school And them financial education Do not feel them need to take it, As a result, they become more poor.

How You Can Be Rich:
If you learn how to be rich then it will be easier for you to become rich. Then you will understand that being rich does not matter. Let's learn how to be rich.

1) Change your perspective:

The poor always others for their problems and blame the government ever. They do not want to admit that the problem is itself. Most people want to change all of the worlds, they do not want to change themselves. If you want to be rich! Then stop blaming others It is much easier to change yourself. So change yourself without trying to change others.

2) Get the financial education:
Financial Education

As I said earlier, the lack of financial education kept us poor. So, if we want to be rich, we need to get the more financial education.

3) Leave the job behind:

Robot Kiyosaki says the job is a
The only temporary solution to the long-term problem. Think of the poor as a new job, more
Many solutions will solve their problems! Although in most cases it does not. More than Receiving money increases their expenditure and they are involved in more debt Fall. So, your money problems are never fully paid for jobs and over-the-counter money Can not resolve.

4) Work for learning, not for money :
Work for Learning

The poor work for money but the Rich
Does not work for money According to Robot Kiyosaki, poor works for money because they are
Fear! They are scared because they have to meet their bills and they increase their money
For more work, But they do not want to learn, which is help him earn more money. So are you Want to be rich
So work for learning, not for money.

5) the poor working for money, the rich make money by doing their own work :
the poor work for money, as they think They will work as much So much money will be able to earn. And they will become rich, But this is not true. If so,
Then a rickshaw puller,, who works hard all day, Turned into
The world's most sophisticated. But the rich do not do it. They work through their money, They spend their money on things that earn more money from them and theirs
Money continues to grow. So if you want to be rich then learn how to work with money.

6) assets and liability:

Assets and Liability

Robot Kiyosaki has interpreted the assets and liability much easier in his book Rich Dad poor dadRobot Kiyosaki Telling assets is the Segun is that brings money to your pocket. And the liability is the things that take money from your pocket. When The poor have their income money,

They collect liability that cost them more and they work even more. They think that their home their assets. But that's not right,
You can tell it assets only when you rent it. So if you want to be rich! Then find out which liabilities and assets. you have Then more of your income is in the assets and Spend it, which will make you rich.

Example of Assets and Liability

7) Increasing passive income:
Passive Income

If you do not do any work, your income from your assets will be called Passive Income. The more passive income you can afford, the sooner you can be rich So, pay attention to the increase in passive income.
8) Education of money must be continued throughout life:
If you want to be rich, you must continue to learn the meaning of life Not that it is
You took 4 years of education like college and did not do it again.

These tips I've shared with you, all-time best selling book, Rich dad poor dad, from Robot Kiyosaki. If you want to know more, click here and buy Rich Dad poor dad book from
Robert Kiyosaki book Rich dad poor dad

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